Ministry Update (published on February 21, 2022)
Greetings, my brothers and sisters,
Are you Ready?
Y2K… no, this is not a rerun nor a déjà vu. In fact, I went back thru my archives to see if and what I actually said about Y2K before I wrote this one. The last update I wrote in 1999 was actually titled, “Update 6” – I was pretty original back then. It was actually mostly bullet points as we were planning and preparing launch into the ministry world full time. It never even addressed Y2K. The first update of 2000 went out in March and was titled “General Update 1” (still working on that creativity). Half of the update focused on our preparation as we picked up momentum, and eventually would go to YWAM to be equipped and made ready. The first themed update came out in 2001 titled, “Encourage – Just as You are Doing.” So don’t worry, this is an original.
Now for our younger readers, who may still be wondering what Y2K means, it’s understandable since it was more than 22 years ago. The short version is that when computers were created, they had a 2-digit year code. So, the concern was what would happen when 99 went to 00, and would it break the computer systems. It was more than digital clocks as you considered airplanes in the sky or medical equipment in hospitals keeping people alive. It was an interesting time. Many speculated it could be the end of the world or at least civilization. Even Christian organizations were pitching survival kits and food supplies to be ready when the clock struck midnight launching the year 2000. That’s the short version. Needless to say, there was plenty of fear, anxiety and preparation for many, but others not so much.
I was still working in Corporate America at the time. The story I remember from the closing days in 1999 occurred as I passed the break table with about 8 guys sitting there. One of them asked if I thought that it would be the end of the world and what did the Bible say about it. My response to him (and the other listeners) was that I really didn’t know what would happen, but the Bible was clear about one thing: we don’t know when it will be, but that we should be ready every day. I tried not to “preach” much that day, but did explain that we should always be at a place of partnering with Jesus in our lives, being ready in that way (not necessarily stockpiling to make sure we get ours).
No one knows when that day or time will be, not the angels in heaven,
not even the Son. Only the Father knows. So always be ready,
because you don’t know the day or the hour the Son of Man will come.
Matthew 24:36 and 25:13 (NCV)
Wedding Preparations
“So always be ready” is the guidance from the Lord. That passage in Matthew includes many examples of being ready, including one about the ten bridesmaids. Five of them were prepared for the arrival of the groom, while the other half were not. The example specifically focuses on having enough oil ready to light their lamps. But if you think about a wedding, there are a ton of preparations that go into one. We’ve attended 5 or 6 weddings in the last 18 months, and I want to share about 2 of those as well as an upcoming one. In all 3 of these weddings, my role in the preparation was/will be up close and personal.
The first one was in October 2020, when at 55, I was asked to be a much younger friend’s best man. It was quite an honor, one totally not expected. It had been about 30 years since I previously served in that role, so I felt like I was in over my head. It was very exciting, and I was able to manage my way through the activities. We had the Bachelor Party at a camp with disc golf game highlighting our time, and my very high scores made the other guys look amazing. We worked to setup that same camp for the wedding in the woods. There was lots of preparation for the celebration. I stressed a bit more than usual over the toast during the reception (after all, I was twice the age of everyone else in the wedding party). My only real error was when I threw away the ring box because I thought that’s what the Bride had indicated I should do. She did not. So on my way home from the wedding, I stopped at the jeweler who was very kind to replace it.
The next wedding to highlight was in December 2021 when Josiah married Mikayla, and we had the blessing of welcoming another young lady into our family. It was an incredible very Jesus-honoring day from start to finish. Assuming we put your magnet into your envelope, you now have a copy of our family picture from that celebratory day. We didn’t all roll up looking that great for the picture (as hard as that may be to believe). My role in that one was Father of the Groom (and Stupid Issues Director), while Barb was Mother of the Groom (and Lead Decorator for the reception). Earlier that day, we didn’t look anything like that picture, we were in work mode before final prep of ourselves. And the love we saw and experienced between Josiah and Mikayla didn’t just happen. They had nurtured it. They had been intentional about it. They had placed Jesus at the center. They prepared by making that love ready for a wedding (and a lifetime marriage).
The final wedding I want to highlight will take place in May 2023. I’ve known the bride-to-be, and I had met her future husband once. They wanted us to connect last week for the groom and I to get to better know each other. During that 2-hour conversation, they asked me if I would marry them. Talk about being honored and surprised all at once. As we chatted, I got to know both of them better, and they’re incredibly sweet. I have agreed to do it (my first) and am quite excited to spend time over the next 15 months discussing wedding preparations and marriage preparations. Those are different in case you were wondering. It will be an incredible journey with them.
Let us be glad and rejoice, and let us give honor to him. For the time has come for the wedding feast
of the Lamb, and His Bride has prepared herself. Revelation 19:7 (NLT)
Be Ready
So, there you have it. It is a time to be ready. We don’t just show up. We prepare and make ourselves ready. We think about the details, and we take care of them. We fall in love with the King, and we nurture that love. Our walk with Jesus isn’t just a one-time prayer, it’s a lifetime of growing in a relationship with Him that will radically change our lives and our eternity. And if you’re wondering, it really is worth it, my friends.
I know my first update of the year often gives highlights of the Malinich family activities, but I’ll do that in the near future. Know that we are doing well even as we individually and collectively attempt to live the lives that He has laid out for us. We love you all!
Making ourselves ready,
Paul & Barb, Andrew & Kammi, Josiah & Mikayla, and Daniel Malinich